Stream Entry: Courses of Studies

To provide the gift of dhamma leading to stream entry and beyond, we provide you the opportunity to hear dhamma and practice dhamma as a whole as taught by the Buddha covering five components including dhamma talk on stream entry, Paritta chanting, sutta reading, abhidharma study and guided mediation in developing the factors of stream entry.


In this course, you will be guided by Dr Ariyathushel Arahant, one of todays’ arahants, who will train you to gain stream entry and beyond. We invite you to connect with one of today’s Arahant in getting to know more about the teachings of Buddha leading to stream-entry and beyond. 



Practicing dhamma

Practicing dhamma covering all dimensions of Buddha’s teachings as a whole is a proper technique that can be used to attain stream entry. Meditation alone is limited in its practice. Similarly, chanting alone can be limited in its practice. Moreover, reading a sutta can provide limited understanding of the literature. While a single sutta provides a limited vision, combining multiple suttas to reflect emerging themes as taught by Buddha can provide a deeper understanding to the practitioners allowing them to develop true knowledge and to gain insight. To bridge a gap from understanding the literature to having the mind of a stream enterer, stream entry dhamma talks are important contributors, as these dhamma talks explore the techniques through which one can train the mind like a stream enterer while living an ordinary life from a practical viewpoint. Thus, in this course of Stream Entry, we combine all dimensions of Buddha’s authentic teachings as taught by Buddha to help practitioners enter into the stream. To provide an opportunity for you to practice dhamma as a whole, we cover five components: dhamma talks about stream entry, paritta chanting, sutta study, Abidhamma study and guided mediation to develop the aspects of stream entry.


Online Classes

We offer a number of classes online. Classes are suitable for those who wish to train in the path leading to stream entry. To gain maximum benefit, please take all courses.


Program Structure

The following courses are offered:


Dhamma Talk Classes are a chance to explore how to train the mind practically in a way leading to Stream Entry and develop the thinking patterns of a stream enterer in daily life.

There are great merits and benefits from chanting Paritta.

Paritta means protection, and chanting paritta means receiving blessings from the Triple Gem to enhance good fortune, health, peace, happiness, and many other benefits. You can now connect with us to enjoy the chants and receive abundant benefits of chanting Parittas.

Suttas are the oldest source available with regard to the teachings of Buddha. They serve as a source of reference in which we can find the most authentic teachings of the Buddha. Reading a sutta on a particular subject will give a basic understanding, which is in the first dimension. Reading a sutta together with the other pertinent suttas selected from the other Nikayas move into the multidimensional. Thus, in our sutta class, we select several suttas to explain the complete picture of the Buddha’s teachings regarding the path and practice leading to stream entry and beyond with reasoning.

The Pali term abhidhamma derives from the expression abhi dharme, “about or relating to the teaching,” which refer to the secondary discussion and investigation of the teaching (dharma) found in the discourses (Pali sutta, Sanskrit sūtra) of the Buddha. Abhidharma literature comprises the texts that constitute the third of the “three baskets” (tripiṭaka) of the Buddhist canon and understanding the abhidhamma literature can be beneficial to gain an overall view of the teachings of the Buddha. 

Guided meditation means to meditate with the help of a guide. While there are many types of meditation practices, our mediation practice is focused on helping practitioners to develop the factors of stream entry. Your mind will become relaxed and clearer and may change your perspective so that you can gain awareness to experience stream entry and peace within which to live life to the fullest.

Given that Buddha’s teachings lead to stream entry and beyond reside out of such rites and rituals, traditions, divisions, and schools, we share the teachings of Buddha out of such divisions to maintain the purity of dhamma. We aim to explain the aspects of Buddha’s teachings in an easy-to-understand way to practitioners to enable them to gain true knowledge and realisation or Nibbana.

Nibbana means the attainment of the stream entry stage and beyond to abandon the relevant fetters that are associated with each stage of enlightenment. These Ten fetters are Self-identity views, uncertainty about Buddha’s teachings, grasping at precepts and practices, sensual desire, ill will, passion for form, passion for what is formless, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance.

Pure Dhamma is based on the ancient practice as taught by the Buddha. Buddha is our teacher. We have no other teacher apart from the Buddha himself. Having a teacher other than Buddha himself (i.e., refuge in a monk or a teacher) can indicate lack of authenticity to the Buddha’s teachings. Noble friends or noble Sangha (those who have attained to sotapanna, sakadagami, anagami and arahants) are good friends, as the Buddha calls them kalyanamitta (good friend).

2024 Programme Timetable: To be Announced

2022 Programme Timetable

Make a Booking

Contacts of the organizers
If you have questions, comments, suggestions regarding the courses or the booking process, we would be glad to hear your opinion. Please contact us at

As it is typical in dhamma practice, we invite you to come and see the teachings of Buddha that leading to Stream Entry and beyond.  There is nothing to believe or accept until one gains direct experience for oneself. You don’t have to be Buddhist or belong to a particular Buddhist tradition or sect to participate in our classes. All practitioners are welcome.  

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Metta Mudita

9 Caxton House, Broad Street, Cambridge CB23 6JN

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