About Stream Entry

At MMNF, we offer online courses and retreats explaining the teachings of Buddha leading to Stream entry and beyond. The courses of stream entry are open to all, interested practitioners are  welcome to take this rare opportunity to hear pure Dhamma. Listening to the true Dhamma from Noble (Ariya) Sangha is a supportive factor for reaching the Sotapanna stage. 

If you would like to learn about or practise the teachings of Buddha leading to stream entry and beyond, please look at the Courses or at our Retreats.

To enrol in a MMNF Stream Entry course, please click on the below link  “enrol online”. You can book one or more courses, and if you want to enrol into more than one course, you can click on “book another” in the given form. Details about the Stream Entry course can be found within your course details.


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About the Path to awakening (Arahathship)

Enlightenment has four stages, and the first stage is called stream-entry. The one who reaches the stage of stream entry is guaranteed to make further progress in the path leading to arahantship. To reach the stage of stream-entry, typically, one must get an opportunity to hear Buddha’s true teachings and those who carry Buddha’s true teachings are the noble disciples of Buddha who have gained realization across the four stages, Sangha Jewel. The noble (ariya) sangha includes only those practices that have achieved stream-winner and upwards. The four types of persons who form the Noble Sangha are the Sotapanna or Stream-Enterers (those who have entered the stream leading to Nibbana), the Sakadagami or Once-Returners (those who will return only once more to the vicissitudes of this world), the Anagami or Non-Returners (those who will never come again to the dubious conditions of this world), and the Arahants is a person who has achieved the highest stage of enlightenment by following the path shown by Buddha.

Before entering the Noble Eightfold Path, the individual is known as a worldling, because one’s mind is focused on worldly matters. While membership in the conventional Sangha is attained through the consent of the Order, in a formal ceremony with witnesses, following the procedures set out in the Vinaya. Membership in the Noble Sangha is attained when the quality of transcendence (lokuttara dhamma) appears in one’s heart as a result of one’s own behavior and practice, with no formalities of any sort whatsoever. On entering the path, one is known as a noble person. The Sotapanna has achieved perfection in morality and has abandoned the three fetters of self-illusion, uncertainty, and clinging to mere rules and ritual. The Sakadagami has in addition mitigated lust, hatred, and delusion. The Anagami has achieved perfection in mental discipline and further eradicated the fetters of sensual lust and ill will. The Arahant has achieved perfection in wisdom and put an end to five more fetters, namely, attachment to fine-material existence, attachment to immaterial existence, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. An arahant has attained the highest level among the four levels of awakening.

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