Other Events

We host other online classes on a wide variety of subject matters that are helpful for general knowledge and well-being.

Modern Psychology and Research Methods: An Introductory Lecture

Dr Bloomfled

Dr Bloomfled, an expert in research methods will discuss the key research methods used in modern psychology. The aim of this online lecture series is to introduce you to the methods of scientific psychology. You will gain an understanding of the main scientific research methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and areas of application. To enquire, please email to mettamudita.info@gmail.com.


Career Counselling Sessions with Dr Gerschewski


Dr. Gerschewski, an expert in Strategy and Enterprise is providing a career counselling and coaching for people of all backgrounds (e.g. students, freelancers, entrepreneurs, executives). If you require help in your career/personal development journey and would like to arrange to meet with Dr. Gerschewski , please email to mettamudita.info@gmail.com.


Featured Research

Read about Truma, Depression and CBT and find links to recent research:
CBT is one of the treatment options available for people who are experiencing trauma and depressions related symptoms. In their latest study, Mr. Arham Qureshi, Dr Edward Dickenson and Dr Peter Wall address these issues. 

Read about workplace well-being and find links to recent research:
Self-care is key to your work performance: Self-care is about trading your well-being a matter of priority. who you are. In their latest study, Professor Yasin Rofcanin and Professor Mireia Las Heras found out  the importance of self-care – they found that employees who engaged in self-care performed better at work. 

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Metta Mudita

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