Dhamma Talk (Stream Entry)

The goal of stream-entry dhamma talks is to discuss how one can develop the mindset of a stream enterer, a person with wisdom and a noble character in daily life. This can be achieved by practicing to develop and maintain certain thinking patterns in daily life. The enlightenment is often described as a concept, such as emptiness, yet the enlightenment goes beyond such a concept to abandon three fetters to reach stream-entry and beyond. When talking about enlightenment, mendicants use various methods including mediation practice such as mindfulness, sutta reading, Abhidhamma studies and so forth. However, enlightenment means stream entry and beyond and not mediation practice, such as mindfulness or reading suttas. Therefore, to discuss stream and beyond, we must use a practical approach. Dhamma talk sessions about stream-entry will discuss stream entry from a practical viewpoint. When discussing matters regarding stream-entry, mendicants are typically seen to be using modes of discourse: the narrative mode—stories about people who have attained stream-entry; the cosmological mode—descriptions of the after-death destinations awaiting those who have attained stream-entry; and what might be called the “emptiness” mode, which describes mental states in and of themselves as they are directly experienced as absent or present, both during and after stream-entry. These modes of discussion provide a theoretical understanding. However, to bridge the gap between theory and insight, how to reach the state of stream entry can be explained from a practical viewpoint. In this class, we shall explore how to train the mind to gain stream entry and beyond. 

An individual who reaches the stage of stream-entry will gain the right view, which is the first step to developing the practice of a noble eightfold path leading to higher stages of enlightenment. There are two kinds of the right view. One is the mundane right view, meaning the right view of the ownership of action, which involves a correct grasp of Kamma, and its results are held out of confidence that operates in the minds of those who are confines of the world. The other is the supramundane right view, which is gained upon reaching the stage of stream entry concerned with the spiritual progress to attain higher stages of enlightenment. In this dhamma class, we shall explore how to move from the mundane right view to reach the supramundane right view. 

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Stream entry can be achieved by hearing the Buddha’s pure teachings and practicing in line with the teachings.

“There are these five rewards in listening to the Dhamma. Which five?”One hears what one has not heard before. One clarifies what one has heard before. One gets rid of doubt. One’s views are made straight. One’s mind grows serene.

“These are the five rewards in listening to the Dhamma.”

                                                        -AN 5.202 


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