The Practice Leading to Stream Entry

Having attained enlightenment, I clarify the practice leading to Nibbana. In this presentation, I talk about how to train the mind to reach stream entry from a practical viewpoint. Enlightenment (i.e noble sangha route) has four stages, and these stages include Sotapanna or Stream-enterer, the Sakadagami or Once-Returners, the Anagami or Non-Returners, and the Arahants. For stream-enterer, non-self-view accompanies the non-self view of others and things, what that means in practice is that along with the non-self view, clinging to social practices including rites and rituals (and precepts) and doubts regarding the teachings of the Buddha (fetters) are dropped at the same time. Knowing the theory is the preliminary step and from there, one needs to practice or train the mind slowly to abandon fetters, train the mind in the middle way, etc. to reach stream entry and beyond. Similarly, being compassionate to self and others, and not discriminating against self or others based on social divisions or practices (eg. it may be because of gender, age, class, education, geographical location, lifestyle, etc.), treating everyone with loving kindness, and genuine care is a helpful practice. The practice also requires developing four factors of stream entry. One of the four factors includes developing noble virtues, this can be achieved by becoming a good person to possess noble virtues (it may be becoming a good parent, a good teacher, a good friend or a colleague, a good sibling, and so on). By being a little nicer to self and others, one can abandon any selfish characteristics to reach a non-self view in practice. Apart from developing noble virtues, developing other three factors which are confirmed confidence in Buddha, his teaching, and noble sangha (the regular reflection of the qualities of the triple gem is a helpful practice) is helpful. May all beings be well and happy.

By Dr. Ariyathushel Arahant

B.A (Psychology), M.P.M (Psychology),

Ph.D. M.A (Buddhist Studies) PGCE (Cognitive Behavioral Science)

PGCE (Research Methods) PGCE (Higher Education/ Academic Training)

Certificate in Agent based modelling for the Social Scientist

Certificate in Systematic Review & Meta-analysis

Professional Certificate in Statistics, Research Modelling with Mplus

Certificate of Multilevel Modelling for Scientists

Certificate in Pali

Advanced Diploma in French

Advanced Diploma in Japanese

Visharad in Music (equlant to B.A Music)

Diploma in Instrumental Music

“Recite These Chants Based on Buddha’s Teachings for Calm Fears, Soothe Concerns, Receive Protection and Many Blessings”

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