Triple Gem and divisions: Why divisions are not applicable to Nibbana?

Triple Gem and divisions: Why divisions are not applicable to Nibbana?

The Triple Gem remains unchanged despite divisions or traditions, as the Triple Gem indicates Buddha, his teachings leading to Nibbana and his enlightened disciples irrespective of tradition or schools.

Sangha is not an individual but a community of friends. Friends who follow the teachings may carry different levels of deep understanding of the teachings of Buddha depending on their level of attainment across four stages of enlightenment or whether they have reached a noble state or are ordinary and are still practicing becoming a noble person. Noble friends and other friends who are still practicing to becoming noble belong together, as they follow the teachings of the same teacher, Buddha.

Noble friends will share the teachings of Buddha leading to Nibbana beyond what is commonly known among friends; immeasurable loving kindness and genuine care towards all friends without an ego and without desires, as all friends are a community who belong together.

Regarding the practice of abandoning the relevant fetters, one can train to abandon a non-self view by training the mind in the middle way in daily life. By understanding that life is impermanent and that ups and downs are part of life for all of us and are universally applicable to all beings, one can train the mind not to become disheartened when faced with bad events and, similarly, not to become overjoyed when experiencing good events, as they do not last long, and, in doing so, train the mind in the middle way in daily life (middle mind training is given up at the arahant state to lead to cessation; until then, middle mind training is useful). Regarding doubts, to become a noble person or an enlightened disciple of Buddha, rites and rituals, ceremonies, schools and traditions, external factors (gender, age, appearance, nationality etc.) are not relevant, but one’s level of gaining a deeper understanding of the stages of Nibbana (or attainment of Nibbana) and the extent of abandoning greed, hate and delusion is what applies. Given that Nibbana happens naturally shaped by Karma and merits, anyone anywhere practicing the teachings in a right manner will be able to gain fruition.

By Dr. Ariyathushel Arahant

B.A (Psychology), M.P.M (Psychology), Ph.D

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